St Francis' Choir

St Francis' Choir - People

Joy Lukman
St Francis Choral Scholar

Joy’s passion for singing began right back in an Indonesian kindergarten,
when an innovative teacher organised the small youngsters into a choir.
Primary and high school choir involvement followed, with concerts and
choir competitions. This was typical of her wider family, who were all
involved in musical activities.

All Joy’s education was at Catholic schools. Church music has always
played a big part in Joy’s life. As a teenager, she joined her parish choir in
Jakarta. Though Indonesia is predominantly a Muslim country, Christianity
is also strong, and Joy’s parish was very large. The choir became the
Caecilia Chorus and sang at weddings and concerts as well as fulfilling
its basic commitment to the Mass. Joy received vocal coaching from the
choir’s Director.

Arriving in Melbourne to study Food Science, Joy joined St. Francis’ Choir
in 1999 and has been a loyal and active member since then. She has a
wide taste in music and loves the fact that St Francis’ Choir has a broad
repertoire – from Byrd and Mozart to Lauridsen and Part. Joy also helps
organise, and cantors at, Taize prayer meetings in the CBD.

Joy has been very moved by the heart-felt appreciation of the choir
expressed by St Francis’ congregation members. She believes that, in
being a cantor, she will be giving back to the Church community.



Joy Lukman


St Francis' Choir - 326 Lonsdale St, Melbourne Victoria 3000     Tel: 03 9639 4560

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